Professional Services

Education is about people helping people succeed.

ReadWrite Digital offers a range of professional services to help educators successfully use data to improve student outcomes. Our services are typically centered around helping you transition to a go-live state with our products; however, we realize your needs may go beyond our platform offerings. If you think we could be of assistance, please contact sales to find out more.

Professional Development

Access to great student performance insight is one thing, taking action with it is another. It’s not enough to simply implement software and data analytics so we provide guidance for educators at all levels in order to maximize the return on your investment. This includes district administrators, principals, teachers and support staff.

For Analytics our go-to is instructor-led, end-user training sessions live and in-person with scenario walkthroughs relevant and customized to the real-world needs of your team. We follow up with regular refresh sessions alongside ongoing phone and email support in-between.

Our Analytics train-the-trainer sessions follow a similar pattern as end-user training, ensuring your trainers have the foundation to meet or exceed the needs of their teams when they walk out.

The main objective in all Analytics training sessions is for every participant to walk away with an understanding of how to use data to impact instruction and student outcomes. This forms the basis of building a data culture in the schools.

Leadership Coaching

Leveraging your investment in data means making use of it through the normal course of instruction and this is most successful when a data culture permeates the organization. If you already have a culture of working with data, you’re off to a great start. 

Fostering any culture in a school system, including a data culture, begins with leadership and support at the district and school levels and the necessary teacher agency to advance instructional practice armed with the facts. You’ll work with leaders who know data culture, are published on the matter, and can provide key coaching to district and school leaders on how to begin and foster an ongoing culture of integrating data into the pedagogy.

For many schools, development of a data culture will be part of the success formula for implementation of Analytics.

Technology Consulting

Technology consulting falls into roughly two categories: product implementation and non-product consulting services.

Product implementation services and support are normally provided in conjunction with standard product on-boarding with pre-set implementation plans used to guide projects. During these efforts, your requirements will be implemented as part of product configurations, verified and released to you for final acceptance testing for go-live. Most implementations are typically short “mini-projects” with a span of days as opposed to months.

Consulting services may include advanced development with our product set or non-product related requirements analysis, data analysis, data migration, software development, testing, and project management. These projects are typically longer and more complex compared to implementations.

The technology side of our services is staffed with professionals with deep experience at the intersection of education and IT.

How can we help you?